art and review by Phil Seahorn
Starring: Jason Statham, Natalya Rudakova, Francois Berleand, Robert Knepper, Jeroen Krabbe
Directed by: Olivier Megaton
Produced by: Luc Besson, Steve Chasman
There' something to be said for a movie to make the 3 mark in franchise history, and still be entertaining.
Such is the case with the third installment of the "Transporter" franchise.
Although this was a hit and miss, almost rollercoasteric in the way the movie flows.
It can also be said that this is the perfect replacement for the weird ass new "James Bond" thing that I have spent WAY to much blog content on.
This movie is a showcase for WHEREVER the hell this is supposed to be (they have this really vague location for where the main character lives that you don't know if it is France ,Germany, or wherever the fuck they are supposed to be in Europe)in that they really showcase the landscape.
If I can find out where the hell this IS, I would like to go there (I guess I have to watch the credits at the end).
The script is very "Bond", and they have that vibe, which is weird for the franchise.
The first two installments hinted at the exotic European action flick ala "Bond",but just went for the shoot and beat em up.
The script for the third movie is really good and acter driven, giving Statham a chance to stretch the acting, and it works.
I have always found his character of "The Transporter " extremely desirable, living lavishly in a beautiful country, driving a kick ass car, and driving as fast as you want to go as a "getaway driver".
Even his strange relationship with a French cop ,at first unlikely, has played a very entertaining supporting character in all three movies, giving the franchise a very clear and transitional supporting story element.
All the women in the 3 films have been so sexy as to equal the worldwide exotica of the "Bond" women.
In the 3rd, the woman is a red headed hotty with freckles.
And, she's RUSSIAN.
Fianlly, the fight scenes.
In promotional spots on cable, they talked about the new approach to the fight scenes.
Now, this shit is interesting as hell, as the first movie highlighted the very unique fight scenes in that one.
Highly choreographed with Jackie Chan stunts, these fight scenes where excellent.
But the fight scens in the third one are off the hook.
Dude is extra ripped to, perhaps more so in this one than the past two.
Statham said in a interview that he got the "300" boot camp, which wips you into the ab power definition that they used for the actors in "300".
Makes you want to hit the gym more.
So, all this made for a very good movie, and a good holiday flick.
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