Sunday, November 02, 2008


review and art by Phil Seahorn
Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor, Scott Patterson, Julie Benz and Meagan Good

Hollywood needs to really study the "Saw" franchise.

Maybe it would give Hollywood a clue as to how to produce a movie franchise that is consistent in five (folks, we are talking FIVE CONSECUTIVE YEARS )of movies that are basically the same movie done five times.

That's the suceess story of the first movie serial ( a cinematic landmark in and of itself)in almost 3 quarters of a century.

The "Saw" franchise can do this every year for the next 15, and I will consistently see these movies, adding more pleasure to the Halloween holiday.

This latest installment is just as fucking confusing and realistically bloody as all it's predecessors.

Now, not blowing smoke, but I think I'm intelligent enough to follow the plot of a movie.

But I'll be dipped if I know what the fuck is going on, and that's after 5 years of watching this franchise.

I bought number 4 of the series (on sale at Blockbuster for $4) so I could at least get SOME backstory, and they have been running "Saw 3" on cable the last couple of weeks, so that helps.

But that is what I love about this franchise, the horror of UNDERSTANDING this fucking plotline just adds sauce to the goose of the horrifying special effects.

Whatever shit the writers use to 'relax" and think up all these ways of not only killing people, but really fucking them up while doing so, must be some really good sqirrel.

And at the end of this installment, you will see a very strong character in the last two installments meet a end that is at the same time terrifying as well as horrifying.

The movies are all shot in a very disturbing greenish grey hue, signifying the sheer starkeness of the movies, with only death and horror the atmosphere in which the movies take place.

And all the characters in the movie are not solidly good or evil, but somewhere in between, where the purgatory like atmosphere of the movies permeates this feeling.

The contraptions and devices of the film, in kid's vernacular, get 'sicker' in each consecutive movies.

The use of unknown and very recognizable actors add a flavor of realism to the movies, and the franchise may result in a "guest starring " vehicle for "A" list actors in the future, like "Twilight Zone" did in the past.

But the ways in which these motherfuckers get killed, especialy in "V".

Let's just say that you will at some level physically wince at how these unfortunate "gameplayers" meet their end.

Again, Hollywood really should take note.