Saturday, October 18, 2008


by Phil Seahorn
photo copyright STLTODAY.COM

I sincerely did not want to write anything political on my blog, as this blog is really my online portfolio of writing and art.

HOWEVER, I feel that I CAN write about something that happened today, in which transcends politics.

I attended a historical event.

Indeed, in my humble opinion, I think this was a historical event FOR THE WORLD.

As a person of color born a second class citizen in the United States, I witnessed something today that really and truly culminates the very essence of what the United States is SUPPOSED to represent.

I witnessed 100, 000 people (fuck the OFFICIAL report, I was fucking there) gather together in St. Louis, Mo, a little over 100 feet from where the Dredd Scott case was tried.

100 feet , where the descendant of the circumstances of that very trial stood before 100,000 people.

Where this descendant runs a very good chance of becoming the leader of the most powerful country in the world.

A country whose basis is freedom for all, and opportunity for all.

A country that stands at the threshhold of electing a man of color, to the most powerful position of this country.

And the world.

The President of the United States.

I was there, and I saw all those people.

I was, as I am now writing this, moved to tears.

This man may not win the Presidency.

But I was there to see this man in the process of making history.

I saw St. Louis, Mo, the place where I was born, become a part of history.

And this day will be a day that will stay with me.

For the rest of my life.

Phil Seahorn
October 18th, 2008