review and art by Phil Seahorn
Starring: Ray Stevenson, Dominic West, Doug Hutchison, Wayne Knight, Julie Benz
Directed by: Lexi Alexander
Produced by: Ari Arad, Oliver Hengst, Michael Paseornek
What the Fuck....I'm almost speechless.Or wordless.or pixelless....fuck it.
"Punisher:War Zone" sure came as a fucking surprise on a Sunday morning matinee at the Creve Couer Cine.
This is some shit you should NOT see on a Sunday morning after breakfast at the Bread Company.
Don't get me wrong, the movie is good, but it is, or has to be, one of the most fucked up BRUTALLY VIOLENT movies I have seen in a while that didn't involve wire fighting and some obscure translated language.
This movie was played very strangely, in that the magnitude of the BRUTALITY of the violence!
I mean, how badly do you want to REALLY FUCK SOMEONE UP WHEN YOU KILL THEM?!!
Nobody was safe from this clearly psychotic motherfukcer.I mean, if Frank Castle (AKA The Punisher) was going to kill you, then you'd just as well shove a grenade up your ass and wait patiently.
You ain't going clean, and you sure as fuck will leave a parting impression.
People were getting killed in this movie that you just had to say to yourself,"Oh, that was just WRONG."
I guess the movie people finally listened to the fans, and this movie was made by apparently a new branch of the Marvel Comics movie division, called "Marvel Knights Production".
But really, this movie should have gotten a NC-17 rating, and for the life of me I don't know how they got this movie greenlit when the script was submitted.
There is one scene(there are many) where dude gets shot,stabbed, thrown off a roof, impaled on a gate fence,THEN gets a three story dropkick that has his head hanging like a fucking doll with a broken neck.
On a Sunday morning, I heard more "GODDAMN!'s" than a Reverend Wright Sunday morning sermon.
"Over the top "violence can't describe this movie, and I'm a connisour of movies with "Brutal and Intense Violence" in the description.
It did have some striking similarities to "The Dark Knight", especially in the portrayal of the movie villain "Jigsaw".
But dude, the fucking violence.....
Well, it was a good movie, fair acting by the cat from"Rome", and well lensed, for what it's worth.
Came in 7th of opening weekend box office, which may change as word of mouth gets out , if one can stop gagging for a moment.
And this shit is not gory brutal, but just plain BRUTAL.
Realistically,this WOULD be the type of shit a person would do when their family gets gunned down in front of them, but the portrayal of the Mafioso in the movie was more like they were vampires than mobsters.
Go see the movie, but be prepared.
And don't go on a Sunday morning.
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