art and writng by Phillip Seahorn
Starring: | Jamie Foxx, Colin Farrell, Gong Li, Naomie Harris, CiarĂ n Hinds |
Directed by: | Michael Mann |
Produced by: | Anthony Yerkovich, Michael Mann, Pieter Jan Brugge |
It is very much like a guy in a suit (that could be from ANY decade) walks up to you,grabs your arm, and DRAGS you into this bizarre world of cops turned drug RUNNERS, not dealers, but much more sophisticated DRUG RUNNERS (where the fuck did two COPS sudenly become DEA James Bond type cats), in which they WALK RIGHT INTO A DRUG LORD CONTROLLED SOUTH AMERICAN TOWN,walk out with a MULTIMILLION DOLLAR DRUG RUNNING DEAL, then one of these guys FUCKS THE DRUG LORD'S:
Fellow Drug Lord?
In other words, you don't know WHAT the fuck she is supposed to be, but anyway....
Then the two cops (?) proceed to rip off said drug lords....
This movie insults you at every core of your being.It really does.
Suspension of belief is one thing, this is "Narnia on Crack" type of shit.
I actually sat there five minutes after the movie ended, because I really didn't know where the hell I was, or where I had gone for the last two and a half hours.
This movie is why Hollywood is going down the drain, and why comic book and games are the only last resort for these assholes ( I DIDN'T SAY JEWS) in Hollywood.
Personal observation:
Just gotta say it:Gibson is fucked.If he thinks this shit is publicity , he fucked with the wrong group of people.If they can bomb the shit out of towns in the Middle East, think of what the Jewish community is going to do to his ass HERE.
Michael Mann must have had one helluva vig to pay, to dream up this shit, and to bypass ANY type of copyright laws to the classic creation of his in the 80's, so as to come up with this, this, shit, I don't even know what to call this shit.
SEAHORN MOVIEMETER:is there anything after "F"?
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