review by Phil Seahorn
Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight, Megan Fox
Directed by:
Michael Bay
Produced by:
Steven Spielberg, Brian Goldner, Michael Bay
Who the fuck expected Michael Bay,of all directors, to finally make the best, most believable cartoon to reality movie?
It has beeen a struggle with Hollywood and cartoons trying to strike a balance, in example, a GOOD comic book movie that is well, GOOD.
Good to me defines as I am absorbed into the world of these characters, and that I am transported, like a good comic book does to me and the millions of other people who enjoy graphic based entertainment.
I didn't see this coming with "Transformers".
I was completely overwhelmed by this movie because, quite frankly, I was killing time on the Fourth before heading down to the landing to see Cyndi Lauper, which was excellent.
Since I was ten feet from the stage, it presented a very pretty little woman with a helluva voice.
But I digress.To beat the heat, I went to see "Transformers", expecting a mildly entertaining movie.
See, I never liked the "Transformers".
I DID, however, like "Beast Wars".
But with this movie, I now get it.
And when the voice and character of "Ultimus Prime" appeared, I got it even more. Peter Cullen MADE the movie.
That man has one HELLUVA voice, befitting the legacy of a twenty year franchise.
Yeah, I got it.
That movie was off the fucking hook, and I am telling ANYONE who listens to me to go see this movie. ( that's 2 people gong to see the flick:)
I envy the "Transformers" fans, but they finally got their big screen dream of a cartoon franchise that they love fufilled.
I, who have been reading comics for forty years, have yet to get that feeling.
The movie , at the very beginning, gave me that feeling that it was a great movie.I only experienced that with the second installment of the new" Star Wars" franchise.
I was amazed at the realism of the CGI.You could see EVERY nut and bolt turn, every wire move, every little mechanism of the machines move.
I have to do some backstory research on the production aspect of the movie, as it has to be the very latest in the state of the art for computer generated imagery.
I found ,however, the LaBeouf character, or rather his acting, to be over the top.
But in hindsight, so was the entire fucking movie!
So, it all meshed.
The gal that was the "teenage" lead.She looked more like a fucking grad student than a high school student, so these are little things about the casting that could have been better.
Gotta admit, she is a beautiful young lady.
Another thing about this movie.
It made ME want to go and sign up for the United States military.
Talk about a fucking recruitment film!I know the military had a very heavy hand in this, and coming from a military family, it made me feel that much prouder of the sheer techno and hardware power of the U.S. military.
But Bey can make the sound effects of any of his movies sound like you are right next to every gun round and every explosion.
The photography was outstanding, with imagery from the deserts of the middle east, to the city scapes of the city where the third act battle of the "Autobots " and the "Decepticons"went down.
I wasn't quite sure, but it looked to be a combination of traditional film and digital combined.
I initially thought one of the "little bots" rather obnoxious and contrived, until the thing gets into a shootout with Jon Voight.
Yeah, you read right.
A shootout with Angela Jolie's pappy.
This movie was just off the fucking hook!
Hollywood should really chill a bit and take serious fucking note here.
Bay has done it.
This movie is ,indeed:
Simple as that.
review by Phil Seahorn
Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight, Megan Fox
Directed by:
Michael Bay
Produced by:
Steven Spielberg, Brian Goldner, Michael Bay
As I write this, stats are coming in that this movie may break all previous opening weekend (or early week, as this movie opened on a Tuesday), so this movie is already starting to make some history.
FINALLY, Hollywood got it right.
Sure, a lot of folks are happy that Hollywood got the job done with "Spiderman"( bad "Zena" episodes put on the big screen) and "XMen" (three strikes yer OUT!!)Who the fuck expected Michael Bay,of all directors, to finally make the best, most believable cartoon to reality movie?
It has beeen a struggle with Hollywood and cartoons trying to strike a balance, in example, a GOOD comic book movie that is well, GOOD.
Good to me defines as I am absorbed into the world of these characters, and that I am transported, like a good comic book does to me and the millions of other people who enjoy graphic based entertainment.
I didn't see this coming with "Transformers".
I was completely overwhelmed by this movie because, quite frankly, I was killing time on the Fourth before heading down to the landing to see Cyndi Lauper, which was excellent.
Since I was ten feet from the stage, it presented a very pretty little woman with a helluva voice.
But I digress.To beat the heat, I went to see "Transformers", expecting a mildly entertaining movie.
See, I never liked the "Transformers".
I DID, however, like "Beast Wars".
But with this movie, I now get it.
And when the voice and character of "Ultimus Prime" appeared, I got it even more. Peter Cullen MADE the movie.
That man has one HELLUVA voice, befitting the legacy of a twenty year franchise.
Yeah, I got it.
That movie was off the fucking hook, and I am telling ANYONE who listens to me to go see this movie. ( that's 2 people gong to see the flick:)
I envy the "Transformers" fans, but they finally got their big screen dream of a cartoon franchise that they love fufilled.
I, who have been reading comics for forty years, have yet to get that feeling.
The movie , at the very beginning, gave me that feeling that it was a great movie.I only experienced that with the second installment of the new" Star Wars" franchise.
I was amazed at the realism of the CGI.You could see EVERY nut and bolt turn, every wire move, every little mechanism of the machines move.
I have to do some backstory research on the production aspect of the movie, as it has to be the very latest in the state of the art for computer generated imagery.
I found ,however, the LaBeouf character, or rather his acting, to be over the top.
But in hindsight, so was the entire fucking movie!
So, it all meshed.
The gal that was the "teenage" lead.She looked more like a fucking grad student than a high school student, so these are little things about the casting that could have been better.
Gotta admit, she is a beautiful young lady.
Another thing about this movie.
It made ME want to go and sign up for the United States military.
Talk about a fucking recruitment film!I know the military had a very heavy hand in this, and coming from a military family, it made me feel that much prouder of the sheer techno and hardware power of the U.S. military.
But Bey can make the sound effects of any of his movies sound like you are right next to every gun round and every explosion.
The photography was outstanding, with imagery from the deserts of the middle east, to the city scapes of the city where the third act battle of the "Autobots " and the "Decepticons"went down.
I wasn't quite sure, but it looked to be a combination of traditional film and digital combined.
I initially thought one of the "little bots" rather obnoxious and contrived, until the thing gets into a shootout with Jon Voight.
Yeah, you read right.
A shootout with Angela Jolie's pappy.
This movie was just off the fucking hook!
Hollywood should really chill a bit and take serious fucking note here.
Bay has done it.
This movie is ,indeed:
Simple as that.
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