review and art by Phillip Seahorn
Starring: | Danny Trejo, Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodriguez, Josh Brolin, Marley Shelton |
EASTER, folks.
You DON'T release a movie like "Grindhouse" on a fucking holiday like Easter.And as a result of that, the first really most anticipated movie of the year flopped like a gangbanger with a close range gunshot to the head.
It came in FOURTH place in the weekend box office.
I went to see it at the classy "Galleria"movie theater (love it, like I said in a earlier post, really like little screening rooms), and nobody was there on the first show of the day (I counted maybe 12 in all.)The second show was a full house.I spent seven hours in the movies,ALONE, because I knew none of my women friends would sit thru 3 hours and some change for one movie.
Now, back to the release date.I knew Tarantino was behind this, in a sick sort of marketing play that BACKFIRED on his ass.
HE thought it was clever to release a movie like this on Easter.I guess he and Rodriguez are rich enough to chance a big box office on opening day.
Well, they thought wrong.
It's a shame, as Rodriguez's vehicle,"Planet Terror" ranks as one of the best zombie movies I have ever seen, and that is the ONLY fucking reason I will buy the DVD.
Rodriquez had Tom Savini in the movie, and I heard at one showing someplace else in the states that he got a standing ovation when he appeared, as this was a excellent homage to a zombie movie great.
The action was there and the gore/ sickness factor was beyond anything I have seen in a long time.
But the women in this movie.
Now, I ain't no teenager no mo', but these women were fucking ,outrageously HOT.I mean, RoseMcGowan was sexy as hell, the blond chick with the fantastic legs and chipped tooth was slamming.But the Latinas in this movie.Let's just say the "Crazy Baby Sitter Twins" make me long for the days of my parents going out to get away for awhile, and it was me,my sister and the baby sitter, who when I was young was always, well, ugly.Now I know why so many men have affairs with the babysitters (these gals are the real life nieces of Rodriguez, who are over 18, thank you).
These gals, plus other gals from Rodriguez's movie "Desperado", make up the first truly sexy women I have seen in a movie in a while.So, you have gore,violence, and sexy, as Rodriguez promised would be in the movie.
The movie was shot in the grainy, early 70's style of the day, and the storyline (complete with a Bruce Willis cameo) was excellent.
I also like the way that they used characters from "Kill Bill" and as far back as "Dusk Before Dawn" (which is the Sheriff), and how the first movie actually takes place after the second movie, which is a Tarantino trademark .
There is talk of releasing "Planet Terror" as a stand alone movie, and I predict it will do far,far better in DVD sales if they do release it separately (they are already doing that in Europe).
So, for a movie with two movies combined, it's a excellent score for the first movie.
Now back to Mr. Tarantino.
I have always had respect for this man as a director.He grew up watching movies in the hood because he liked how black folks reacted to movies.
He developed a deep love and respect for black women, citing Pam Greir as one of his idols.
He writes like black folks talk (the "N" word) and his scriptwriting is amazing.
Yeah, all that shit was new and different back in '92.
Jump ahead 15 years, and the motherfucker just aint that charming anymore.Sure, he got off on "Kill Bill "1 (he fucked up Kill Bill 2, or maybe he just should have kept it one long fucking movie)
but he got lucky.The motherfucker peaked about five years ago, when he was doing basically nothing and living off his considerable royalties.
But I think that Tarantino really just wanted to add his name to help the whole "Grindhouse" thing get going and be successful.Because the piece of shit(and everybody has stated that it was indeed, a piece of shit) he produced for the second flick "Deathproof" was dead and stinkin' the minute they edited the last scene of this ....SHIT.
Tarantino's "wity,urban" dialog is played, man!
It is outdated, and nobody wants to hear "nigger" 100 fucking times anymore.Thanks to Michael Richards and Rev. Al Sharpton, this word is FINALLY being seen as what it is, no matter WHO THE FUCK USES THIS VILE, EVIL WORD.
"Nigger" SHOULD be banned, and Tarantino's writng style is not fucking cool anymore!
But that is all that is in this fucking piece of celluloid waste.
Tarantino's ego must have thought that a hour and a half of his "witty, urban " scriptwriting dialog would carry a movie.
And this may be why this movie flopped.People are already pissed at spending over a 100 dollars for a family of four to see a fucking move, so they are VERY conscious of not wanting a shitty movie.
Well, and I thought I would never write this, but Tarantino delivered his coup de grace on his fucking movie career.
"Deathproof" was just fucking awful.Poor Kurt Russel.Well, at least I hear we are going to get another "Snake Plissken" flick, so his ass is covered.
Overall, the whole "Grindhouse" fiasco may play out next weekend, and make number one, if word of mouth gets out on how good "Planet Terror" and the fake trailers are.
I hope so, because I was rooting for this movie, and I thought it would, AT BEST, come in first if not second.
But to loose out to a movie with a washed up rapper playing a middle class home owner ( as opposed to, in real life, playing a washed up, RICH AS A MOTHERFUCKER rapper who is a MANSION owner) is just being bitch slapped on a national level.
So, this is another 'two score" movie.
THE SEAHORN MOVIEMETER" "B" for the movie,"A +" for another movie history maker.
(And I hope to God it ain't for being the second most hyped, most flopped movie ever,Mr. "Snakes On A Plane".)
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