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by Phil Seahorn
Fuck the relaunch, the ship just sank for the final time.
I applaud Marvel for relaunching this fucking series every other three years since the 70's.
Try as they might, they just can't get the readership up on this title to keep it going.
Now, you would think that the movie franchise, plus a television show ( and rumor of a 4th installment to the franchise) would have jump started this series.
Alas, no.
But fuck it, this time the comic was fucking GOOD!
You had great art.
Now, some motherfuckers out there are going bullshit, because they don't like Howard Chaykin's art.
I must admit, he has gotten better over the years, except with the fucking JOWLS
This motherfucker has enough money by now to go back and take a refresher course in" HOW TO DRAW FACES WITHOUT FUCKING JOWLS".
Hell, he worked with the Buscema brothers.
Oh wait, THEIR artwork still looks like shit, too.
HOWEVER, the interior art and the covers were exceptional.I understand the complaint in the past for the book was shitty art and story, but this "Blade" had good art AND a good story.
They really should have delved more into the vampire "Shield" agents, which would have been a helluva subplot.
It could have created cross overs of "Blade" into other titles, especially the "Skrull/Electra" storyline going on right now.
There is so much Marvel can do with Blade.I say, bring him into the Marvel mainstream.
Shit, the "New Avengers" brought back 'The Sentry" (who I STILL have NO idea who or what this motherfucker is supposed to be), and a shit load of "B" and "C" heroes and villians.
I have always wanted him to be a more mainstream hero,rather than one of the horror vehicles for Marvel, like "Satana" and "Man-Thing".
If you can, pick up the back issues of the series, as it is well written and has good art.
Maybe the back issue sales ( and hopefully a graphic novel) will keep 'Blade" the comic from staying on the back burner.
I will miss it.