review and art by Phil Seahorn
Twenty years ago, animation and comics in general where regarded as tolerated by kids but scorned among adults.
This was before the graphic novels, televison shows, and movies that have proven anything animation or comic related is big, big business.
As a result of this, the new form of animation, computer generated imagery, is now the big star of animation.
Now comes a movie of a cartoon show that started 17 years ago.
17 years.
Longer than any mainstream televison show, and crossing two generations and three decades of
the ever changing American diaspora.
"The Simpsons" started as a crudely drawn, badly voiced segment of the "Tracy Ullman Show".
This piece was granted a full thirty minutes.
It had been almost thirty years prior to THAT, that the "Flintstones" occupied prime time cartoon entertainment for the masses.
"The Simpsons" launched to mediocre reviews, but still remained on the Fox network.I always thought that "The Simpsons" were just the animated version of "Married with Children".
Througout my ENTIRE adult life, I never watched this show.No tuntil 2003.
My cable was out, and I was forced to watch a lot of regular televison in St. Louis.So I started to watch the show in it's 6-7 p.m rotation on Channel 2 ( now Channel 30).
The shit was suddenly FUNNY.
Not just funny, but tear inducing laughter.Fucking hilarious shit, very topical and socially relevant material.
These were the fucking RERUNS.
This proves that the movie would be greatly recepted and people would go out to see it.
This cartoon is just simply well written, and now we get the animated characters circa 2007.
Like a fucking brand name like "Schmuckers", you knew it had to be good.
It was, and is, funny as hell.
I just knew that, for one of the most rarest occasions of seeing a movie, that I would not be disappointed.
So when Homer, in the beginning of the movie, makes fun of me as a sucker movie goer that went to see something that they could get for free, the rollercoaster ride began.
As a graphic artist, I appreciated the almost 3-D version of the characters, complete with shadows and the latest in animation.
The jokes where funny.Even the serious shit was funny.
I knew that Homer was essentially right, that this was just a regular (albiet longer) version of the same shit on free t.v.
But it was the best 6 bucks that I have spent in a awfully long fucking time.
So, great movie.
Even though I DID feel like a sucker.