Phillip Seahorn
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007

review and art by Phillip Seahorn
Starring: | Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Michael Fassbender, Vincent Regan, Dominic West |
Directed by: | Zack Snyder |
Produced by: | Frank Miller, Deborah Snyder, Craig J. Flores |
I wasn't going to review this movie, having seen it two times already.There is SO much press on this movie that I felt that it would be just another review among (literally) thousands.
As I write this, the second weekend of this movie has brought in almost a quarter BILLION dollars, and it is the number one movie ALL OVER THE WORLD.
This movie is doing a "Spiderman" thing, gaining worldwide acclaim.
This bothers me.
Because, as the article in "Time" claims, is the REAL FIRST NAIL in the coffin of movies as we know them today.
I happen to LOVE the way movies are being made.And so do the set designers, location scouts, special effects, wardrobe, and the zillion other trickle down jobs in the movie industry.Just sit thru the end credits of any movie, and you see enough names to scroll by in a ten or fifteen minute scroll.
That's a lot of people, folks.
All these people are going to be out of a job within fifteen years , quite possibly much, much sooner than that.
I am a graphic artist.I love computer generated special effects.The CGI industry is getting much, much better as time goes along.Just look at the "Superman" movie.A lot of what you see is COMPUTER GENERATED, so Superman was so convincing as a CGI that I didn't know it until I read reviews of the movie after it came out.
When Hollywood finds a cheaper way of doing things, it damn well jumps on board like a hooker with a $1,000 trick.
The days of all the people mentioned above are indeed numbered, and there is even talk of using CGI for top name actors, who will only star in the movie as THEIR OWN VOICE.Everything else in the movie, AND I MEAN EVERTHING ,will be computer generated.
So, this old horse will need to get used to a new saddle.And "300" is the start.
The movie is a good movie, but it did stray away early in the film from the "Frank Miller" style of movie.The beginning of the movie showed promise, using the same movie gimmicks used in "Sin City", stamping the movie as a "Frank Miller" movie.
However, the second and third act loses the "Miller" touch, and just throws in actors that are prostetically made up to look like the characters in the graphic novel of the same name, but dissolves into your typical war movie.
If you rent "The 300 Spartans", which is a WAY FUCKING BETTER MOVIE,then you can see that Miller's version (which he freely admits lifting from "The 300 Spartans") is just a "reimagining" of the "The 300 Spartans"!
So, if you like Miller's movie, maybe you SHOULDN'T rent the other movie, as you will be disillusioned.
This movie is a simple war movie, with little else.But it's really not what you say, it's how you say it.So, the look of the movie, and the way it was made, is putting this movie into film history.
Since this is film history in the making, I have to go with the flow.
THE SEAHORN MOVIEMETER:"C" for the movie,"A+" for making movie history