Phillip Seahorn
Friday, January 12, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007

review and art by Phillip Seahorn
STARRINGJulianne Moore, Clive Owen, Michael Caine, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Charlie Hunnan, Clare-Hope Ashitey, Danny Huston
"Children of Men" is a phenomenal movie.It is what "V for Vendetta" SHOULD have been.
All the hype, all the promos did not even come CLOSE to how outstanding this movie is.
An obvious Oscar contender, which may get the Best Picture award.
Some negatives, though.This movie has a LOT of backstory, even though it was taken from the novel of the same name.I had to go to Wikepedia to get the nut on this movie,and I am sure I was not the only person to hit the wiki on this movie.The movie itself tells a flowing story, but you really need to get the backstory, or you may not know WHAT the fuck is going on.
This movie is well acted, and the urgency is conveyed with the performances.Clive Owen may be up for either Best Actor or Best Suporting Actor.
However, the complete surprise performance of the young African woman (Claire Hope-Ashitey) who plays the only pregnant woman in the world is extraordianry.
The movie was filmed in a grey tone, with the depressing grey fog that is always in the movie.
This is the second movie this year that uses a future England as a the basis of a terrorist fueled
The war scenes are on par with"Saving Private Ryan", and amazing photography makes these scenes incredible.
One drawback is the CGI baby.You have to see the movie to understand this.They really could not use a real baby or a dummy in the scenes where the baby are in, so they had no other choice but to use CGI.However ,the baby looked JUST LIKE the zombie baby in the "Dawn of the Dead" remake.
Could have done better.
Overall, this movie delivered on all levels.And the soundtrack (for this old hippy), was dead on.
This time, the hype is for real.