art and review by Phillip Seahorn
Starring: | Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg |
Directed by: | Martin Scorsese |
Produced by: | Roy Lee, Doug Davison, Gianni Nunnari |
Ten fucking years since the last really good Mafia flick?
No wonder this movie had people talking after the movie ended.I have not seen this since "Saving Private Ryan".
Saw the movie at the great Creve Couer Cinema, and this movie is:
A.One of the last movies Jack Nicholson will make (the motherfucker is 70 years old!!!!!)
B.Probably , if not the last gangster movie by Scorcese, then one of his final movies (he's old, too)
C. The only movie where you get to see not one, but TWO Hollywood pretty boys get THEIR FUCKING BRAINS BLOWN OUT!
Seriously, I have waited to see this movie since last year when I heard about it, and it delivered.The acting was off the hook, as it was VERY hard for me to picture DiCaprio as a gangster.
He delivered.
The intensity of the movie is very unique for a gangster movie, as that is not usually a vehicle which drives gangster movies. Nor is electronics (in this case it was cell phones).
Mostly what drives gangster movies is a bullet thru the head.
And BOY is this movie bloody.Yes indeed.Can't have gangster without the blood.
Now, I have to be fair.You have to suspend a lot of reality in the basic format of the movie.Basically, state don't know what federal is doing, and nobody has any idea who is undercover and who is not.
And the portrayal of Boston in this flick.Did not the Chamber of Commerce worry about the depiction of Boston as a hate filled hell hole with gangsters doing business all over the place?
One of the lines in the movie is"As a black man in Boston, you're already fucked."
What the......
Anyway, that's Boston's problem.The photography of the city was phenomenal, and the sets and locations were spot on in the storytelling.
The third act was not as good, though, and bordered on the ridiculous . It seemed that they had to come up with something to tie up and end the movie.
I have not seen the asian movie in which this is based, but the third act just seemed silly, until the very end of the movie, in which for me the payoff for almost three hours was there, baby!
This a first for the movie reviews I have been doing for my blog: